- Design stovepipes out of the picture.
“…stop building systems from the user interface down and instead build the system from the data up. “ - Font libre!
- CMS Watch: SharePoint not Web optimized
- U.S. approves Office Open XML standard, with some reservations
- Open XML voted down but not out – Standard falls short of certification, as some cite need for further review
- R. Fink | Open Document democracy, Tammany Hall style
Author Archives: Amanda
Baby Signs
Eric Meyer has written several posts on how he taught his child sign language when she was a baby. His post, Signing Up, covers resources he used in his endeavor.
We’re going to try teaching our baby signs. I took a look at the ASL Browser to start learning some simple signs. When baby boy gets older, we will have to check out the Baby Signing Time & Baby Signs dvds.
Ain’t nothing wrong with contradiction – 37signals
“We’re all human and we all change our minds—hopefully. Those who don’t change their minds, or who aren’t influenced by other minds, are frozen in time. They’ve declared: “Learning is over, I know all there is to know.” That’s sad. “
Folk Music
When searching for “The Ladybug Picnic” I came across Elizabeth Mitchell’s website, youaremyflower.org. Take a moment to listen to some of her posted songs. Her music has a wonderful quality to it. She has released several albums, but my favorite is You Are My Sunshine. It has some great songs from my childhood, The Ladybug Picnic, Crawdad, and Froggy went a Courting. I’m going to have to invest in my own copies.
NIST issues guidelines on securing Web services
GCN article from August 30, 2007
NIST issues guidelines on securing Web services »
Almost a year ago GCN wrote about NIST’s release of the draft » of their Guide to Secure Web Services. Now their Guide to Secure Web Services » (pdf) is ready for release.
Registering has been an iterative process. We’ve got a little bit registered all over the place.
- Target (Jungle Babies)
- Burlington Coat Factory (Two by Two)
- Babies R Us
There will be more updates as we get closer to the big day. November 15 will be here before we know it.
We finally picked out a crib! It’s a convertible crib that can upgrade to a toddler bed, and then can be used as a double bed frame.
Now we have to pick out a mattress and bedding.
I’ve narrowed the bedding down to:
We like Jungle Babies the best. It has lots of texture in the fabrics of the bumper and comforter and the animals are too cute. But, the Two by Two goes with the room. It’s hard to pick, so we’ve registered for both!
I’m experimenting with WordPress. It has been an easy installation so far, the hardest part was picking a theme. With baby boy coming soon, this should be a good way to stay connected with the world.
WordPress has terrific instructions on how to set up a blog on your server. They offer a free hosted service as well.
Currently you can register yourself and submit a comment. If it’s the first time you’re submitting a comment, it will not appear until it is approved.
This may change in the future.
Writting for the Web
I’ve always loved Steve Krug’s foot notes. They are hilarious!
Chech out the footnotes in his review of Ginny Redish’s excellent new book, Letting Go of the Words.