Fabric Party Hats

Fabric Party HatsLil’s first birthday is quickly approaching.  She puts everything in her mouth.  I wanted her to have a party hat she could chew on and I wouldn’t have to fish pieces of it from her mouth. I found a few tutorials for sewing fabric party hats.  One used interfacing, and the other used a serger.  I have a lowly Minimatic that is as old as I am.  I used the pattern from Jane of all Trades, and made my own mash of directions.

  1. I made a cereal box template from the Jane of all Trades pattern so I could sew these for everyone at the party if I acquire more Wonder Under and get some crazy burst of energy.
  2. Using the template, cut Wonder Under & reclaimed blue jeans to the pattern size.
  3. After ironing the Wonder Under to the wrong side of your top fabric, cut it out.
  4. You should only have 2 pieces now.  Put the right sides together.
  5. Pin the elastic where it was marked on the pattern.
    Pin Elastic
  6. Stitch nearly 1/2″ around the curved edge.  Back stitch over the elastic to make sure it’s secure.
  7. Remove the paper from the Wonder Under.  Otherwise you will be cursing as you try and pull the little papers from along the seam you snipped.
  8. Snip along the curved edge.  Every 1/2″ will do.  I tend to get a little carried away and snip more frequently.
  9. Turn your wrong sides together.
  10. Press according to the Wonder Under directions.  Damp cloth, 10 seconds, iron to dry it a bit.  Try not to iron the elastic.
  11. Make a cute ribbon pom for the top.
    ribbon pom
  12. Fold the hat in half with the outside fabric facing in.
  13. Place the pom in the tip of the hat, pointing toward the curved edge, upside down, pin.
    pom placement
  14. Stitch up the straight side.  Make sure to sew the pom in well.
    stitching up the hat, secure pom
  15. Turn the hat right side out and admire your handy work.  Press the seam to one side.  Give yourself lots of praise for how cute it turned out.
  16. Find your little and try it on them.  Tie a knot in the elastic because even though you measured it, it’s still too long.
    Lil in fabric party hat

These could be embellished and made super cute for an older crowd; think fuzzy boa stuff!  I’m keeping it simple for the 1 year old.  I’m still keeping my eye out for some cute ribbon to add detail along the bottom of the hat, but it’s pretty darn cute even without it.

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